Oasis Groups

Oasis Groups


New  Craft sessions take place Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon at Broomgrove Community Centre. Please feel free to join in – whether you want to learn a new skill, get involved in making items for fundraising or bringing your own knitting,crochet or other crafts along so you can do them in a bit of friendly company! 

Please check Calendar for exact time and dates.

Craft members make bags for sale to raise funds for charity


A social group for men over 18. Come along and enjoy a game of pool, cards, table games or just a chat with a cup of tea.  Currently running at the Broomgrove Community Centre on Mondays from 11.45am to 1.45pm.
Mens group enjoy a game of pool with the Mayor


A social afternoon quiz to enjoy company and pit your knowledge against the others!
Check Calendar for future dates
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